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Destination India… Exotic…… Enchanting…… Exhilarating……

Destination India – starting with Megasthenes who arrived about 302 B.C. India has had a particular fascination for travellers from far off land through the ages. They have been an incongruous mixture of pilgrims and missionaries, merchants and envoys , soldiers of informative and vivid accounts of their travel , some settled to make their colonies in India –the Dutch, French, Portuguese and British.

Destination India  is a country  of contrasts. The land of drama, romance , splendor, palaces and forts, tigers and elephants, cobras in jungles ,the country of a hundred nations ,hundred tongues and dialects, of a thousand religious festivals and three million Gods, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history , grandmother of legends and folklores, great  grandmother of traditions, whose  yesterdays dare with the mouldering antiquities of the rest of the nations. The one    sole country  under the sun that is endowed  with an imperishable interest for alien prince, an alien peasant, for the lettered and ignorant , wide and fool, rich and poor, bonded and free, the One LAND that all men crave to see, and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows of the rest of the globe combined.

Walk in the shadows of timeless monument. Gaze at the majesty of snow capped Himalayan peaks, ride an elephant, venture the Thar desert on camel back, explore the topical jungles in quest of that elusive tiger, celebrate a colourful Holi, fireworks on Diwali, jostle through the bustling bazaars, have your own palm read and consult an astrologer, observe the village artisans at work, watch a cow being milked by an urchin, live like the Maharajas in palace hotels or just laze on hammock on palm fringed sandy beaches.

India and her nuances are infinite Discover her.

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